● 1995. Snimio prve demo snimke, i objavio zbirku haiku poezije “Argo embargo”.
● 1996. Održao prvi koncert u Smederevu.
● 1996. Postao voditelj popularne muzičke emisije „Represija“ na radiju „Vožd“.
● 1997. Pojavio se na kompilaciji „Crni je zvuk za svaki struk“.
● 1997. Dobio svoju prvu muzičku nagradu povodom 10 godina postojanja emisije ,,To je samo pop i rock ’’.
● 1998. Izlazi prvi album „Vudu epopeja“ za Komunu.
● 1998. Radi muziku za film „Uhvatite lopova“.
● 1998. Dobio Oskar popularnosti, ali mu nije uručen jer mu ga nisu poslali na kućnu adresu.
● 1998. Radio „S“ ga proglašava za muzičara godine.
● 1998. Snimio spot koji promoviše rad Jazasa, organizacije za borbu protiv AIDS-a.
● 1998. Za kompilaciju fudbalske himne snimio pesmu „Imamo ideju“.Izdavač metropolis.
● 1999. Radio muziku za pozorišnu predstavu „Šovinistička farsa 4“.
● 1999. Za vreme bombardovanja, odbio učešće u svim koncertnim dešavanjima na mostovima i trgovima jer je to smatrao nerazumnim i samoubistvenim činom.
● 2000. Glumio u kratkometražnom filmu „12 spratova televizije“, autora Slobodana Simojlovića.
● 2000. Gostovao na albumu grupe Kontrabanda „Ne mogu da se naviknem“.
● 2000. Snima drugi album „Epopeja 2“ za Komunu.
● 2001. Glumio poštara u humanitarnoj predstavi „Disanje“, autora Željka Tomaševića.
● 2001. Postaje član udruženja muzičara džez i zabavne muzike.
● 2003. Završava roman „Razglednice iz bumeranga“. Izdavač Rende.
● 2003. Snima treći album „Tubed sellotape“ za Komunu.
● 2003. Angažovan u Orkinoj kampanji za zaštitu životinja.
● 2004. Snima četvrti album „Sikter feler“ za City records.
● 2005. Izdaje strip „Skupljači perja rano lete“. Izdavač Draslar partner.
● 2005. Snimio pesmu i spot „Nemoj go u koprive“ za kampanju Svi smo u igri.
● 2006. Snimio pesmu i spot „10 zapovesti“, za antipiratsku kampanju.
● 2006. Snimio pesmu i spot „Ti si sam“ u duetu sa Sofijom Ivanišević za album tajna,u izdanju Pgp-a.
● 2006. Oformljuje live bend “Sikterfelers“ i time unosi nov zvuk u stare i nove hitove. ● 2007.Snimio svoj peti album “Svi unutra“ koji objavljuje za Pgp.
● 2007. Završio snimanje filma ,,Napad na stanicu Ekspres”, izdavač “Megakom”.
● 2008. Objavio zbirku priča „Od pojasa naniže“ za izdavačku kuću Laguna
● 2011. Izdao svoj treci roman "Ledena zavesa"
● 2012. Izdao zbirku pesama ,,Nije ti fazon” sa celokupnim poetskim opusom, izdavač NKC-Niš.
● 2014. Izdao šesti muzički album "ToolUM", Multimedia Records- Beograd
1992: He recorded his first demo song “Everybody Charge”
1995: He published a haiku book “Argo Embargo”
1996: His first concert in Smederevo
1996: He was host of a musical radio show “Repression” on the “Vozd” radio station
1997: He received his firs reward for 10th anniversary of the show “It’s only pop and rock”
1998: Radio S announced that he was the musician of the year
1998: He shot a video which promoted the work of “Jazas”(an organization which fights against AIDS)
1999: He did a soundtrack for a play “Chauvinistic Farce”
1999: He refused to perform at the bridges and squares during the NATO bombing; because he thought it would be a suicidal and irrational act.
2000: He acted in a short movie “12 Floors of Television”, directed by Slobodan Simojlovic
2000: He featured on Kontrabanda’s album – “I can’t get used to it”
2000: He recorded his second album “Epic 2”
2001: He acted as a postman in a charitable play “Breathing” produced by Zeljko Tomasevic
2001: He became a member of the association of popular music and jazz musicians
2003: He finished his novel ”Postcards From Boomerang”
2003: His third album “Tubed Sellotape” came out
2003: Works with ORCA in a campaign for protecting animals
2004: His fourth album “Sikter Feler” came out, (label: City Records)
2005: A song and a video for the song “Don’t Play With Fire” came out – for the campaign “We’re All In The Game”
2006: A song and a video for the song “10 Commandments for Anti-Pirate Companies ”
Came out
2006: A song and a video for the song “Sikterfelersi” came out – with this song he gave a new sound to the old and new hits.
2007: He recorded his 5th album (label: PGP)
After his first album, he shot more than 25 videos, collaborated with many famous musicians and had many performances throughout Serbia and all the other former Yugoslavian republics: Slovenia in 1999, Bosnia in 2000,
Macedonia in 2001, Croatia in 2005, and he has been more than once in Monte Negro. He organized many charitable concerts and supported a number of protests held by groups and individuals whose rights were violated
2008: He published Collection of stories "From the waist down" (publishing house Laguna)
2011: He published novel "iced curtain"
2012: Published collection of poems "Your trick is not funny" (publishing house NKC- Niš)
2014: He recorded his 6th album "ToolUM" (label: Multimedia Music)